During the class, I volunteered to answer the first few questions. What I had in mind was, since I have answered few questions (earlier), that would exempt me from answering the later questions.
But I was wrong. When it came to the last question, my lecturer asked “Can anyone answer this question? What is the significance of this case on the Professional Misconduct?”
I turned to silent because I did not even have the case, far from reading it (my bad, I know).
Then she called my name. “So Hafiq…what do you think the answer?”
Again, I kept silence. Because seriously I do not know the answer as I did not have the case with me.
She later said this in front of my classmates. “Hafiq, aren’t you supposed to know it better?”
In response, I just smiled at her. But deep in my heart, I did not really like what she said and what she had in her mind.
Wrong person, wrong thought, wrong expectation, many wrongs.
I was quite embarrassed by that. Sigh. I just do not like being given high expectation because I am not good enough.
This is what one of my classmates, Nad@Citapus said when she commented on this entry;
"i know whch lecturer u r refering to hafiq..ehe.sumtimes i felt bad for u too..sbb dlm cls u'r alwys be presumed to know almost evrything.x fair kn?i think its quite a burden.uhu.xpela hafiq..tggl ag bpe kls je..u tabah je la..ehehe :D"
Thank you nad, for acknowledging my suffering. But the worst part is, I will still be in her class next semester. Yeah, I will try to bear it for another few lectures. But next semester, can I survive? I doubt it. Sigh
oo poor bed..
version baik: perkara dah terjadi kan?apa leh buat..just put a smile (maybe a fake one) and buat bodoh aje lah..nobody perfect la..dun worry ada peluang lain lagi untuk menebus kesalahan.lagipun you kan jeins gigih.i know u can do it! chai yok!
version jahat: mooter katanya..tapi addinch dapat jawab..haiyoo..kalau i harus berdrama raya..terus lari keluar and berenti terus dari uia..malunya..ko tak rasa malu ker bed?kalau i memang tak mo masuk kelas tuh lagi
ahhh dont feel bad..
its not the end of the world..
afterall, it shows that ur lect thinks ur good..
better than others for that matter at least during that particular class..
chill! go eat something sweet!
lenkali rajin2 bukak buku! hiks.. :)
kak pah-->
version baik: memang i senyum2 pun...tapi xder la fake one. cause i know, smile can light up the world...hehe
version jahat: was a mooter...no longer a mooter la. kekeke...keji la nak lariks plak. kang x grad plak i ne...
dick-ie--> dick-ie, that's the thing that i dont like. being given high expectation.
but thanx dick-ie...i'll get something sweet to eat ;)
ku--> baiklah...i akan lebih rajen...sbb dah nak exam...kekeke
Dick-ie--> i can no longer read ur blog. u've set it to be read by invited readers. ^_^
i know whch lecturer u r refering to hafiq..ehe.sumtimes i felt bad for u too..sbb dlm cls u'r alwys be presumed to know almost evrything.x fair kn?i think its quite a burden.uhu.xpela hafiq..tggl ag bpe kls je..u tabah je la..ehehe :D
Fyi, nad is my classmate. so she knows that i am suffering...
yeah yeah...
but next sem, i amek dgfn dia lagi...
i pon..ehe.but im considering to drop her cls n take nik haizam's instead.huhu.
i'll consider it too ;)
hafiq ak fhm ape kau rs..em ak pun mcm tue la jgk since part 2 smpai la skrang part 6..em kdgn people expect kita tahu semua nye walhal kita jgk student dan maseh blaja lg kan..em kau jgn la sedih hafiq..bgusnye kau patot bangga (bkn bongkak) dgn dr kau sndri..sbg pelajar kau berjaya kuasai apa yg kau blaja..buktinya lectrer kau sendiri pk mcm tue..ala tak boleh jwb tue biasa la ak pun pnah jgk..jenuh nak update kan diri dgn perkembangan semasa sbb nye sure dan confirm la ak org pertama akan di tnya dlm kelas keesokkan nya..hmmmm gud luck la ek..;-)
hafiq cuba kau compare tgk brape kali kau bleh jwb dan brape kali kau tak boleh jwb dlm kelas?tgk mane yg lebih bnyk...haaaaaaaaaa see..contoh nye candour tue..bijak pun..;-)
shu, aku rasa lebih banyak aku x dapat jawab, dari dapat jawab.
and candour...i was only guessing in my heart. i didnt spell it out.
i didnt answer her. so, consider aku x dapat jawab la kan.
thanx shu =)
my blog is currently in the hibernation mode..
too much controversy there..
worse case scenario..
it will be gone.. :(
dunt be so sad..it is okey la dude.normal human being will always make mistake..at least ur lecturer realize that u r smart than others..huhuhu its kewl bebeh..;-)
dick-ie--> ooowh i think i know what controversy u were talking about. it must be about the AD and Mass Com thingy.
ala babe,
chill la...
just ignore those people....
zaidy--> thanx for the comforting words =)
you mean you are law debater?
no wonder la people expect higher
I'm guilty because I always presumed debaters to be cool, fast mature, quick thinking and ...wise
I pernah jadi debaters masa sekolah dulu, and I'm not as what I presume
masih lagi bengap ala2 paris hilton gitu
but One thing...write a good script so it can mask the unintellectual side ..
Joey--> wait...? hurm...i am being suspicious as to ur identity. haha. i think i know you ;)
well, let's not wear a mask and be honest.
i will always say i dont know, when i really2 dont know. iw ouldnt act like i know...haha
btw i'm so impresed knowing that u r one of the law debater from iium..congrates fiqo..;-)
ape email u?..i nak invite.
ape email u?..i nak invite.
zaidy--> well, i was...no longer i am ;).
where r u studying? ['',]
rikhy--> hafiqued@yahoo.com
sumtimes people do expect u 2 know more than others...
n i know u feel iritated...
but watever it is u r far more better than others,i guees...
everybody has their own specialty...
do proud of being urself...=)
yes i am...just not being comfortable with the expectation given...but thank you 'aediey'
hoho this kind of situation yang membuatkan i slalu diam je kalau bab2 menanya nie. tapi bile die tanye i jawab je la. kalau agak2 x taw 2 buat lawak bodo dalam kelas. kihkihkih
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