Do you people fancy blonde jokes? God, I love blonde jokes and I really like Kellie Prickler for being the wittiest blonde that I have ever seen so far. She called herself as a Big Hot Mess during the Ellen Degeres talk show.
But trust me, she maybe a little bit ignorant but she is a kind person who deserves our respect. As a proof, she reminded all kids in school to pay attention so that they would not turn to become a big hot mess just like her.
So what about this blonde girl that I fancy the most? It’s her witty character. She is extremely hilarious. When she appeared in the Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader Show, she was asked about a 3rd grade geography question which is:
Budapest is the capital for what European Country?
She said that it might be a stupid question. (and of course the audience laughed, assuming that she knows the answer) But, no. She doesn’t know the answer. In fact, she later told the host that she thought that Europe was a country. (God, I love you Kellie. Europe is not a country. It’s a continent.)
She later tried to figure out where on earth is Budapest. She said that she has never heard of that place. But she knows that they speak preach there. (By the fact that it sounds like Budha).
She then asked herself whether France is a country? (Seriously Kellie, you did not even know this? Haha)
So yeah, then she decided to copy the answer from the kid (Nathan). Then, the host asked her for one time what would be her guess? She said she didn’t think that France is a country. But she chose to try France. (Kellie, yes France is a country. But the capital is Paris not Budapest. Hope you know it by now.)
The host then told her the answer which is Hungary. Being so ignorant about the place, she asked the host. Is what? Hungry?
The host: Yes, Hungary. Like I am Hungry. (the audiences laughed)
Kellie: That’s a country? Oooh I’ve heard of Turkey, but not Hungry. (more audiences laughed)
So yeah, from that moment I believed that I love Kellie Pickler. She makes me smile and laugh hilariously like no one’s business. God I really like her.
And people, bear in mind that she might be the ignorant blonde girl. But she managed to win thousand dollars for charity. She has contributed something big for a good cause. Us? I’m not sure.
To Kellie, stay the way you are. So that I have more reasons to laugh. I heart You KP.
p/s you guys must watch it too.
a himbo??..i
Well.she gt a good heart.
and ppl who disses her don't.
haha. she's funny. i x berpeluang la nak tgk. xde mase sgt. this week punye episod ke?
rikhy--> yeap. i'm a himbo. i bet you are too. haha. we like us =)
agreed. she has a big heart. that's why,we should love her. hihi.
shamil--> she is. u kene tgk. not this week nye episode. dah lama pun. she was even being interviewed on ellen's show after she appeared in the 5th grader show. hehe.
Is what? Hungry?
The host: Yes, Hungary. Like I am Hungry. (the audiences laughed)
Kellie: That’s a country? Oooh I’ve heard of Turkey, but not Hungry.
**Dis part lawak giler**
i like the whole parts...haha.
it's witty. so funny that i can watch it over and over again =).
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